Sunday, March 17, 2013

Donating Crocheted Bags + Chocolate to SAVE

For our Valentine's Drawstring Bag Fundraiser, we sold fifty crocheted bags and still had some bags left.

We decided to donate the forty or so drawstring bags to those at a domestic violence shelter called Safe Alternatives to Violent Environments (SAVE).

Last week, we filled the bags with chocolate Kisses and wrote notes that we tied to each bag. We will be delivering the drawstring bags to the SAVE Community Office by next week.


UPDATE 3/25/2013: We've delivered 42 crocheted bags to SAVE! The bags and chocolate will be given to the children as Easter gifts (:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Photos from Stitches West

Several iKnit officers visited Stitches West on February 23. Here are some photos of the lovely yarn and awesome handmade items that we saw there!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Patterns for Baby Items!

iKnit recently received a generous donation of soft baby yarn, so we're working on crafting baby's items!
We're still looking for a place where we can give our items; one possibility is the Pediatric Heart Care Center at UCSF, which is where the charity knitting group Lilybugs donated thier children's items  before the group shut down. If you know of any other organizations or hospitals that may accept our handcrafted baby booties and hats, please let us know!

In the meantime, here are some great patterns for baby booties and hats! Try them out! :)